美国加密货币交易所Coinbase的直接上市,为其他观望的同行提供了一个试验案例。商业银行Manhattan Venture Partners的市场研究负责人桑托什·拉奥称,Coinbase股票在首个交易日的表现“为其他公司提供了一个模板。”Manhattan Venture Partners是Coinbase的早期投资者之一。 拉奥告诉《财富》杂志:“我认为未来会有更多的加密货币公司上市,用例会增加,监管部门会对此表示欢迎。”但这种预测能否实现,“完全取决于比特币,比如比特币的行情以及监管环境的变化等。” 在Coinbase上市之前,比特币(Bitcoin)的市场价值涨至历史新高,突破60,000美元大关,为公司出售股票创造了完美的条件。在那之后,比特币的价格一路下跌至接近50,000美元。 对许多加密货币公司而言,是否上市取决于狂热的加密货币市场反复无常的表现;有些公司可能会抓住良机,有些公司可能仍然在耐心观望。无论加密货币公司选择哪种做法,未来下面这些公司最有可能上市。 Kraken 根据行业跟踪机构CoinMarketCap的数据,位于旧金山的Kraken是全球交易量排在第四位的加密货币交易所。 今年4月,Kraken的首席执行官及联合创始人杰西·鲍威尔告诉美国消费者新闻与商业频道(CNBC),该公司正在考虑于2022年上市,“可能”通过直接上市的方式。与传统IPO不同,直接上市不会额外募集资金也不发行新股,而且不雇用承销商。 据媒体报道,Kraken可能在上市之前进行非公开融资,估值高达200亿美元。Manhattan Venture Partners公司的拉奥认为,显而易见,Kraken这样一家公司会效仿Coinbase的做法。他说:“Kraken很有可能是另外一家选择上市的加密货币交易所,因为市场现在似乎接受了这类公司。” Blockchain.com Blockchain.com是一家位于伦敦的公司,其业务是帮助个人和大型机构投资者存储、使用和购买比特币与以太坊(Ethereum)等加密货币。PitchBook的数据显示,该公司最近已经完成了两轮融资,其中3月进行的最新一轮非公开融资对其估值52亿美元。 与Kraken一样,有媒体称Blockchain.com也在考虑上市。公司的首席执行官及联合创始人彼得·史密斯最近告诉Barrons,公司“正在认真考虑上市方案。”然而上市时间尚不明确,而且史密斯告诉Barrons公司“并不着急”。 Bakkt Bakkt是一个专注于奖励/忠诚点的加密货币平台,隶属于洲际交易所(Intercontinental Exchange),因此它是纽约证券交易所(New York Stock Exchange)的姊妹公司。该公司在今年1月宣布同意通过与一家特殊目的收购公司(SPAC)合并后上市。合并的对象是VPC Impact Acquisition Holdings公司。这笔交易对合并后公司的估值为21亿美元,目前交易尚未完成,但Bakkt预测双方将在2021年第二季度完成合并。 eToro 另外一家可能通过特殊目的收购公司上市的公司是位于以色列的加密货币经纪平台eToro。该公司在3月宣布将通过一家所谓的空白支票公司FinTech Acquisition Corp V上市,后者的投资者是网络泡沫世代的虚拟银行Bancorp的创始人贝齐·科恩。双方的交易条款包括来自软银(SoftBank)的一笔投资,对合并后实体的估值为104亿美元。eToro预计将在2021年第三季度完成该笔交易。 BlockFi 《The Block》在去年7月的一篇报道称,位于新泽西的加密货币贷款公司BlockFi考虑在2021年晚些时候上市。该公司提供的服务包括帮助用户借出他们持有的加密货币,以获得更高利率。PitchBook显示,BlockFi在3月融资3.5亿美元,目前估值为30亿美元。 Gemini 文克莱沃斯两兄弟可能很快将他们的数字资产交易所上市。据彭博社(Bloomberg)报道,双胞胎兄弟卡梅隆和泰勒在2021年早些时候曾经暗示,他们正在“考虑”将Gemini上市。这对兄弟称他们“内部正在讨论目前上市对我们是否有意义”,并表示他们“当然不排除这种可能”。 Manhattan Venture Partners的拉奥表示,总体而言,这些公司的前景取决于大牌投资者是否持续对加密货币感兴趣。他说,虚拟资产板块需要继续发展,并开发新应用,比如除了交易以外将加密货币用于“日常”支付等。 拉奥称:“比特币保持良好的发展势头,或者任何新公司要想有好的表现,需要借助机构的力量。”很明显,拉奥指的是华尔街的大牌投资机构。除了Square和特斯拉(Tesla)等支持比特币的公司以外,嘉信理财(Charles Schwab)等许多大公司也在犹豫是否要冒险进入这个市场。 无论如何,在多家初创公司正考虑上市的情况下,Coinbase可能不会孤单太久。(财富中文网) 译者:刘进龙 审校:汪皓
最近,Coinbase上市首日大涨,这让市场观察家们纷纷猜测,下一家可能上市的加密货币相关公司会是哪家。 美国加密货币交易所Coinbase的直接上市,为其他观望的同行提供了一个试验案例。商业银行Manhattan Venture Partners的市场研究负责人桑托什·拉奥称,Coinbase股票在首个交易日的表现“为其他公司提供了一个模板。”Manhattan Venture Partners是Coinbase的早期投资者之一。 拉奥告诉《财富》杂志:“我认为未来会有更多的加密货币公司上市,用例会增加,监管部门会对此表示欢迎。”但这种预测能否实现,“完全取决于比特币,比如比特币的行情以及监管环境的变化等。” 在Coinbase上市之前,比特币(Bitcoin)的市场价值涨至历史新高,突破60,000美元大关,为公司出售股票创造了完美的条件。在那之后,比特币的价格一路下跌至接近50,000美元。 对许多加密货币公司而言,是否上市取决于狂热的加密货币市场反复无常的表现;有些公司可能会抓住良机,有些公司可能仍然在耐心观望。无论加密货币公司选择哪种做法,未来下面这些公司最有可能上市。 Kraken 根据行业跟踪机构CoinMarketCap的数据,位于旧金山的Kraken是全球交易量排在第四位的加密货币交易所。 今年4月,Kraken的首席执行官及联合创始人杰西·鲍威尔告诉美国消费者新闻与商业频道(CNBC),该公司正在考虑于2022年上市,“可能”通过直接上市的方式。与传统IPO不同,直接上市不会额外募集资金也不发行新股,而且不雇用承销商。 据媒体报道,Kraken可能在上市之前进行非公开融资,估值高达200亿美元。Manhattan Venture Partners公司的拉奥认为,显而易见,Kraken这样一家公司会效仿Coinbase的做法。他说:“Kraken很有可能是另外一家选择上市的加密货币交易所,因为市场现在似乎接受了这类公司。” Blockchain.com Blockchain.com是一家位于伦敦的公司,其业务是帮助个人和大型机构投资者存储、使用和购买比特币与以太坊(Ethereum)等加密货币。PitchBook的数据显示,该公司最近已经完成了两轮融资,其中3月进行的最新一轮非公开融资对其估值52亿美元。 与Kraken一样,有媒体称Blockchain.com也在考虑上市。公司的首席执行官及联合创始人彼得·史密斯最近告诉Barrons,公司“正在认真考虑上市方案。”然而上市时间尚不明确,而且史密斯告诉Barrons公司“并不着急”。 Bakkt Bakkt是一个专注于奖励/忠诚点的加密货币平台,隶属于洲际交易所(Intercontinental Exchange),因此它是纽约证券交易所(New York Stock Exchange)的姊妹公司。该公司在今年1月宣布同意通过与一家特殊目的收购公司(SPAC)合并后上市。合并的对象是VPC Impact Acquisition Holdings公司。这笔交易对合并后公司的估值为21亿美元,目前交易尚未完成,但Bakkt预测双方将在2021年第二季度完成合并。 eToro 另外一家可能通过特殊目的收购公司上市的公司是位于以色列的加密货币经纪平台eToro。该公司在3月宣布将通过一家所谓的空白支票公司FinTech Acquisition Corp V上市,后者的投资者是网络泡沫世代的虚拟银行Bancorp的创始人贝齐·科恩。双方的交易条款包括来自软银(SoftBank)的一笔投资,对合并后实体的估值为104亿美元。eToro预计将在2021年第三季度完成该笔交易。 BlockFi 《The Block》在去年7月的一篇报道称,位于新泽西的加密货币贷款公司BlockFi考虑在2021年晚些时候上市。该公司提供的服务包括帮助用户借出他们持有的加密货币,以获得更高利率。PitchBook显示,BlockFi在3月融资3.5亿美元,目前估值为30亿美元。 Gemini 文克莱沃斯两兄弟可能很快将他们的数字资产交易所上市。据彭博社(Bloomberg)报道,双胞胎兄弟卡梅隆和泰勒在2021年早些时候曾经暗示,他们正在“考虑”将Gemini上市。这对兄弟称他们“内部正在讨论目前上市对我们是否有意义”,并表示他们“当然不排除这种可能”。 Manhattan Venture Partners的拉奥表示,总体而言,这些公司的前景取决于大牌投资者是否持续对加密货币感兴趣。他说,虚拟资产板块需要继续发展,并开发新应用,比如除了交易以外将加密货币用于“日常”支付等。 拉奥称:“比特币保持良好的发展势头,或者任何新公司要想有好的表现,需要借助机构的力量。”很明显,拉奥指的是华尔街的大牌投资机构。除了Square和特斯拉(Tesla)等支持比特币的公司以外,嘉信理财(Charles Schwab)等许多大公司也在犹豫是否要冒险进入这个市场。 无论如何,在多家初创公司正考虑上市的情况下,Coinbase可能不会孤单太久。(财富中文网) 译者:刘进龙 审校:汪皓
The recent big debut of Coinbase has market-watchers avidly speculating about which cryptocurrency-related companies might go public next. The U.S. cryptocurrency exchange’s direct listing offers something of a test case for peers waiting in the wings. Santosh Rao, head of research at Manhattan Venture Partners, a merchant bank that was an early investor in Coinbase, says the company’s stock debut provides a "template that other companies will follow." "I think you will see a lot more activity in the crypto space in terms of companies going public, use cases, regulators warming up to it," Rao tells Fortune. But for that to shake out, "it all depends on Bitcoin, how Bitcoin is doing, and how the regulatory landscape is shaping up." In the lead-up to Coinbase's listing, Bitcoin’s market value skyrocketed to new heights above $60,000—perfect conditions for its share sales. Since then, the price of the cryptocurrency has slid back near $50,000. For many crypto companies, the decision to take the public plunge will depend on the whims of a manic market; some may seize the moment, others may sit tight. Whichever way they lean, here are the IPO candidates likeliest to be next out the gate. Kraken San Francisco-based Kraken is the world's fourth largest cryptocurrency exchange by trading volume, per industry-tracker CoinMarketCap. In April, Jesse Powell, Kraken's chief executive and cofounder, told CNBC that the company was considering going public in 2022 "probably" through a direct listing. Unlike a traditional IPO, a direct listing doesn't raise additional capital or issue new shares, and doesn't use an underwriter. Ahead of its prospective listing, Kraken is reportedly seeking to raise funding that could privately value the firm at as much as $20 billion. Manhattan Venture Partners' Rao thinks a company like Kraken is an obvious candidate to follow Coinbase. "It's very likely another exchange will go public, because it looks like the market is accepting exchanges," he says. Blockchain.com Blockchain.com is a London-based firm that helps people and bigger institutional investors store, use, and buy cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin and Ethereum. The company raised a couple recent rounds of funding, the latest one lending it a private valuation of $5.2 billion in March, per PitchBook data. Like Kraken, Blockchain.com is reportedly mulling a public debut. Peter Smith, the company's CEO and cofounder, recently told Barrons it was "carefully considering its public-market options." The timeline for a debut, however, isn't clear, and Smith told Barrons the company was "not in a rush." Bakkt Bakkt, a rewards and loyalty points-focused crypto platform, is owned by Intercontinental Exchange, making it a corporate sibling of the New York Stock Exchange. The company announced in January that it agreed to go public via a merger with a SPAC, or "special purpose acquisition company." The tie-up target is VPC Impact Acquisition Holdings. The duo's deal, which notches a roughly $2.1 billion valuation, hasn't closed yet, but the company said it expects the merger to be completed in the second quarter of 2021. eToro Adding to the SPAC stack is Israel-based brokerage platform eToro. The company announced in March it would go public via FinTech Acquisition Corp V, a so-called blank check firm backed by Betsy Cohen, founder of the dot-com-era Bancorp virtual bank. The terms include an investment from SoftBank, and they value the combined entity at $10.4 billion. The deal is expected to close in the third quarter of 2021, the company says. BlockFi The New Jersey-based crypto-lending firm is considering going public later in 2021, per a July report from The Block. The company lets users earn high interest rates by lending out their cryptocurrency holdings, among other services. Thanks to a $350 million funding round in March, BlockFi is currently valued at $3 billion, according to PitchBook. Gemini The Winklevoss twins could soon bring their digital asset exchange to the public markets. The duo, Cameron and Tyler, hinted early in 2021 that they were "considering" taking Gemini public, per Bloomberg. The brothers said they were "having internal discussions on whether it makes sense for us at this point in time," noting they were "certainly open to it." Manhattan Venture Partners’ Rao says that in general, companies’ prospects will hinge on big-time investors’ sustained appetite for cryptocurrency. He says the virtual asset class needs to keep maturing and developing new uses, like “day to day" transactions in addition to trading. “For Bitcoin to really hold up, or any new company to really do well, you need these institutions to come in,” Rao says, referring to Wall Street writ large. But for every Square or Tesla that gets behind Bitcoin, there are other big firms, like brokerage Charles Schwab, hesitant to take a leap. Either way, with several startups pondering a debut, Coinbase likely won’t be alone for long. (责任编辑:) |