


时间:2024-08-02 08:58来源: 作者:admin 点击: 38 次


2019  4  14 գ̫ҽܶΪ 1,712,628 ETH ǰ 10.34%ջԾû 142,989ǰ½ 24.28%Լ 34,175 ǰ  1.21%ƽ׷Ϊ 10.29 GWEIǰ½ 3.33%ԾԼΪ 0X24B663...֤ͨҽܶΪ 339,487 ǰ½ 0.60%

April 14, 2019, ETH transferred volume is 1,712,628 ETH, increasing 10.34% (compared to April 13); the number of daily active users is 142,989, decreasing 24.28%; the number of new contracts is 34,175 , increasing 1.21%; average fees are 10.29 GWEI, decreasing 3.33%; the most active contract is 0X24B663...; tokens transferred volume is 339,487 , decreasing 0.60%.



Ϣƣ֯ UGRF г̨һЩʩָ룬ӪҵţԷֹթƭͨرҺͼܻ׬ȡǮUGRF СúͽڷίԱԼ⽻Ըָҵ Paxful ƭPaxful ˾ýթƭ˵ıPaxful Incorporated ָթƭǧֻ߽ͨ׬ȡԪݳƣܲλڰɳǵĹ˾ͣû˻ܾǷǮеԪù˾ر˻ǮֻΥ˻űͣá

CBN urged to regulate online trading in Nigeria

United Global Resolve For Peace (UGRF), has called on the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) for the regulation of all online trade merchant group defrauding Nigerians of their hard earned money through bitcoins and cryptocurrency, just as an online trade merchant, Paxful Incorporation based in Estonia has denied a media report that it is defrauding Nigerians. UGRF had petitioned the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs over allegations that Nigerians are being defrauded by an online trade merchant group, Paxful based in Estonia. Reacting to the allegation, Paxful Public Relations Manager, Nina Paragoso in a statement made available to newsmen, said Paxful does not tolerate fraud or illicit activity from any of its users or employees, adding that the Paxful team is committed to providing a safe and open financial marketplace for everyone, and to that end, enforces specific terms and conditions on all platform users.



 CNBC ϢӢʼϾֹо±бʾʵͽԶļܻҵв˵ҰһֱܵϹҵƲáùָ繥ȡά˼ƻIJԴƣʳһֱڶǵĽڻӱƲãõܺסܻܵؼƻӰ졣

North Korea could target Southeast Asias vulnerable crypto sector

North Koreas cyber capabilities and financial networks pose a threat to Southeast Asias growing, yet vulnerable, cryptocurrency sector, according to British defense and security think tank Royal United Services Institute. North Korea has been heavily sanctioned for years by the United Nations, the United States and other countries over its nuclear and missile ambitions. The reclusive state has also been accused of using cyberattacks to gain financial resources needed to keep its nuclear programs going. Southeast Asias growing virtual asset sector and lack of coordinated regulation present what Carlisle and Izenman called a systemic risk vulnerable to exploitation by North Korea, which they stressed has long used its countries to mitigate sanctions.


BitMEX ڻԼ 12 ºƳ

BitMEX ļܻҽӪ֮һϯִйһרҵ˵гصƷ켯ǰԱ Arthur Hayes ʾҹ˾رҹҹڻĿǰʼȨԼһٶܻʹ Deribit γɾϵHayes һ Venture Coinist ˵ϣ 12  18 ӵԼȨƽ̨ںһЩѧں̽һӱӵķʽƳڻԼȨڻһΪͶṩһֶԳʲķ˵ȨΪṩδԹ̶۸һʲȨ

BitMEX is kicking the tires on options; launch could come in 12 months

BitMEX, one of the largest cryptocurrency exchange operators, is looking to expand into new derivatives products tied to the nascent market, its CEO said on an industry podcast. Arthur Hayes, a former Citigroup trader, said the firm which is known for its perpetual futures tied to bitcoin is kicking the tires on options, a move that could put it up against rival Deribit. "We hope to possibly have our own options platform in maybe 12 to 18 months," Hayes said during an appearance on Venture Coinist Podcast. "We have somebody working with some university professors on a complicated new way of doing this," Hayes said. Options, like futures, provide a way for investors to hedge their positions in an underlying asset. Specifically, an option provides a trader the right to purchase a certain amount of an asset at a set price in the future.


Path ϴʼ Dave Morin ȥĻ Blockstack

Path ϴʼ Dave Morin ȥĻ Blockstack ĹʣΪƽ̨ϵ DApp ṩ顣Blockstack ʾ DApp ˽ȫɵ Morin ʮǰ벻ıϡMorin ʾ Path ̽ȥĻƣڵʱδաDave Morin ǹȷͶ˾ Slow Ventures Ĵʼˣ Facebook Ա֮һ2010 깲ͬ˸罻 Pathƽ̨ 7700 ԪͶʣ2015 걻ͷ Kakao չ⣬Dave ͶЭƽ̨ SlackͼƬƽ̨ Pinterest֤ȯƽ̨ Robinhood ȹȳ˾

Dave Morin Joins Blockstack PBC Blockstack PBC as an Advisor to Shape the Future of Decentralized Apps

One of the main reasons that Dave is coming on as an advisor is because Blockstacks entire architecture is built from the ground up to be focused on the user and gives the power back to the user. On Blockstack, users own their data and connections and have the freedom to exit an app at anytime. Decentralized apps at massive scale are not a pipe-dream anymore; theyre already here with 70+ apps built on Blockstack. Our focus on privacy, security, and freedom is not a far cry from what Dave set out to do almost 10 years ago. Dave is the former Co-Founder & CEO of Path and founder of Slow Ventures, a leading Silicon Valley venture capital firm that champions long term thinking and innovation. Dave was involved with the early days of Facebook where he co-created the Facebook Platform. When Dave left Facebook and launched Path in 2010, social networks were moving away from privacy under the veil of connecting the world. Co-founded with Dustin Mierau and Shawn Fanning of Napster, Path was the first personal social network, and went on to raise $77 million in funding from investors such as Kleiner Perkins, Shasta Ventures, and Greylock Partners before being acquired by Kakao in 2015.



Ryan Sean Adams

Mythos Capital ʼ



A crypto asset inherits the security & governance guarantees of its base chain

Thats why youll never replicate Bitcoin in a smart contract and youll  never replicate Ethereum in a parachain


Ryan Sean Adams

Mythos Capital ʼ



As the tech commoditizes the decision of where to deploy your smart contract becomes less a choice of technical infrastructure and more a choice of financial infrastructure

Smart contract platforms with a lead in financial infrastructure will be well-positioned





This may be redundant but: This tweet was a joke, do not download and install browser extensions from sources you don't fully trust, especially not when they explicitly target crypto users.


Jimmy Song






Unitimesע Nocoiner һЩбرҲԱرҵȺ

Wealth today is a rigged game. (nocoiners)

Bitcoin is an honest and fair game. (Bitcoiners)

Altcoins and ICOs are rigged games. (altcoiners)

Bitcoin is not even the moderate between two extremes. It's the only fair and game without rent-seeking centralized controllers.


α༭ HN080

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