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2021年中国国际服务贸易交易会 2021 China International Fair for Trade in Services


The 2021 China International Fair for Trade in Services is going to be held both offline and online from Thursday to Sept 7 in Beijing. Participants from about 153 countries and regions are attending this global event.


根据世界贸易组织(WTO)的界定,服务贸易(trade in services)有12大领域,包括商业服务(business services)、通讯服务(communication services)、建筑及相关工程服务(construction and related services)、金融服务(financial services)、旅游及旅行相关服务(tourism and related services)、娱乐文化与体育服务(entertainment, culture and sports services)、运输服务(transport services )、健康与社会服务(health and social services)、教育服务(educational services)、分销服务(distribution services)、环境服务(environmental services)及其他服务。

中国国际服务贸易交易会(China International Fair for Trade in Services,CIFTIS)的前身是“京交会”(China (Beijing) International Fair for Trade in Services/Beijing Fair),自2012年首届举办以来已8年。作为服务贸易领域的龙头展会,服贸会同广交会、进博会一起成为中国对外开放的三大展会。

2021年服贸会把握数字经济(digital economy)、碳达峰(carbon emission peaking)、碳中和(carbon neutrality)等全球热点趋势,突出服务开放合作促进世界经济复苏,主题为“数字开启未来,服务促进发展(Towards Digital Future and Service-Driven Development)”。围绕主题将举办全球服务贸易峰会(Global Trade in Services Summit)、论坛和会议、展览展示、推介洽谈(promotion and negotiation)、成果发布、边会6类活动。



Apart from the traditional venue of the China National Convention Center, some CIFTIS events will take place in Shougang Park, a new city landmark, once a vacated industrial site in Shijingshan district,Beijing.



The China International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS) will feature a special section for digital services for the first time, organizers said.

Leading international and domestic digital services enterprises will make use of the section to showcase their latest technologies, achievements and applications, said the organizing committee.


The CIFTIS hosted 43 foreign financial institutions at the financial services exhibition in 2020, and this year saw the addition of 16 more.

A total of 143 financial institutions signed up for this year's event, including 84 domestic firms. Foreign names include Morgan Stanley, Mastercard and DBS Bank.


教育督导问责办法 guideline on education inspection and accountability


This is China's first guideline on education inspection and accountability which aims to ensure the country's educational laws, regulations, guidelines and policies can be properly implemented at the grassroots.


这里的accountability就是“问责”,也可以理解为“责任制”,《剑桥英语词典》的解释为“a situation in which someone is responsible for things that happen and can give a satisfactory reason for them”(有人能为发生的事情负责并给出一个令人满意的解释),这个词来源于accountable,常见的搭配是hold someone accountable(让某人承担责任),比如:He knew he would be held accountable for any flaws in the programming.(他知道自己要为程序中出现的所有失误负责)。


Local governments, related departments, schools and other educational institutions, as well as related staff members, shall be held accountable for activities that hamper the development of education, it said.



The guideline categorizes those activities into six types: lack of resolve and commitment in implementing national education policies, poor fulfillment of educational responsibilities, delay in completion of education tasks, irregularities in running educational institutions, major decreases in education quality and multiple safety concerns or opposition to education inspection.



Higher-level government inspection offices can hold lower-level governments and public schools accountable through public criticism, having talks and administrative punishment.

The main administrators of lower governments and public schools can be held accountable through having talks, name and shame, administrative punishment, or being handed over to law enforcement authorities and supervisory commissions, it said.

In addition to those punishments, private schools and tutoring institutions can be fined, ordered to stop student enrollment, and have their operating permits and business licenses revoked.



China has ensured that the salaries of public primary and middle school teachers are not lower than those of local government officials in the same region, the Ministry of Education said on Wednesday.


All local governments are working on establishing a mechanism for adjusting the salaries of teachers in primary and middle schools in line with those of government officials.


文娱产业 culture and entertainment industry


According to the circular issued by the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, China's rapidly-growing culture and entertainment industry is still troubled with various negative phenomena such as excessively high payment of entertainers, tax evasion, excessive focus on viewership, and undesirable fan culture.


Online platforms should enhance their oversight and management of registered accounts and guard against activities to fake viewership data, it said.

Content reviews of entertainment shows should improve, said the circular, adding that minors are prohibited from participating in idol-making programs.

Gaming platforms must assume primary responsibility to install anti-addiction systems and improve real-name registration technology, it said.

Penalties should be increased for actors who have engaged in illegal or unethical behavior, and agencies which condone such behaviors promptly punished, said the circular.

The ideological and moral education of children should be beefed up and they should be forbidden from joining "idol" groups and offline support activities, the circular added.



The selection of actors and guests should be carefully controlled, with political literacy and moral conduct included as criteria, the National Radio and Television Administration (NRTA) said, adding that actors and guests should be encouraged to participate in public welfare programs and assume social responsibilities.

The NRTA said it will bolster regulation of entertainers' payments and punish anyone who is involved in payment irregularity, dual contract and tax evasion.

The notice further said that programs portraying "effeminate" behavior and other content deemed "warped" should be stopped, along with shows built around scandals, ostentatious wealth and "vulgar" internet celebrities.


Effeminate这个词在英语词典中的解释是“not manly in appearance or manner”(外表或行为举止不够男性化),也就是上文所说的“娘炮”。由此我们可以举一反三,effeminate的近义词可以是unmanly,反义词是manly。此外,英语中还有一个更专业的词表示“男性的”,就是masculine,比如:a masculine voice(一个男性的声音),这个词强调的是“having qualities appropriate to or usually associated with a man”(通常与男性相关或与之匹配的特征),即“男性化的,有男子气概的”,这个词加上前缀un就可以变成它的反义词unmasculine,即“不够男性化的,没有男子气概的”,比如:unmasculine clothing(不够男性化的着装)。

Unhealthy fan culture should be deterred and strict controls placed on programs with voting segments, it said, and any that encourage fans to spend money on voting should be forbidden.


东京残奥会 Tokyo Paralympic Games

With the extinguishing of the flame in the caldron, the Tokyo Paralympic Games closed on Sunday night, with Team China winning 207 medals to top the tally.The Chinese athletes-40 percent of them first-time Paralympians-won 96 gold medals, 60 silvers and 51 bronzes.

Great Britain trailed in second place with 124 medals, followed by the United States and the Russian Paralympic Committee.

It was the fifth consecutive time that Team China dominated the Paralympics-it first topped the ranking in 2004 with 63 golds.

东京残奥会闭幕式的理念为“和谐之声(Harmonious Cacophony)”,约2000名运动员和官员、850位奥运官员及嘉宾,以及2250名媒体工作人员参加了闭幕式。轮椅女篮运动员张雪梅担任中国代表团闭幕式旗手。


The Tokyo Paralympic Games have "not just been historic, they have been fantastic."

"In 12 magical days, athletes gave the world confidence, happiness and hope," the IPC chief added. "Athletes broke records. Athletes warmed hearts. Athletes opened minds. Athletes changed lives."


She was "overwhelmed" by the astonishing performances of all Paralympians, adding "your impact as Paralympians have a message for all of us. You have inspired many of us to start our own new journeys. You have given us the insight and the power to look at ourselves and shape our own futures."

"I am so glad we hosted the Olympic and Paralympic Games. I believe in the value they bring," said Hashimoto. "In 2024, athletes and sports lovers all over the world will be united again. We send the city of Paris our sincerest good wishes for a successful Paris 2024 Games. We will meet again soon."



The Paralympians have demonstrated how they challenged their limits with determination and resilience, the letter said.

"Your brilliant performance has set an example for many Chinese with disabilities, added luster to the cause of sports for people with disabilities and won glory for the nation," it said.

The letter called them a national inspiration as China works to build itself into a "modern socialist country" by 2035, and it asked them to pass down the glory and make continuous efforts.

It also encouraged them to inspire China's disabled community to have more self-esteem, confidence, self-improvement and independence in the face of daily challenges, and to become more involved in social affairs and make their due contributions to rejuvenating the Chinese nation, the letter added.


政府指导价 government-guided pricing mechanism


China is to adopt a government-guided pricing mechanism for curriculum-based off-campus tutoring courses for students at the stage of compulsory education, the notice said.


《关于进一步明确义务教育阶段校外培训学科类和非学科类范围的通知》明确,义务教育阶段校外培训学科类培训(curriculum-based off-campus tutoring courses)指根据国家义务教育阶段课程设置的规定,道德与法治、语文、历史、地理、数学、外语(英语、日语、俄语)、物理、化学、生物等学科的校外培训。


As institutions offering such services are categorized as non-profit organizations, the government will set the basic fee standards and floating range for both online and off-line classes.

通知要求,以平均培训成本(average cost of tutoring courses)为基础,统筹考虑当地经济发展水平(local economic development)、学生家庭承受能力(affordability for families)等因素,合理制定基准收费标准和浮动幅度。

The upward floating range set by local governments should be capped at 10 percent.


Class sizes in tutoring institutions can be categorized in the following ways: class with less than 10 students, class with 10 to 35 students, and class with more than 35 students.

The standard course period for online tutoring is 30 minutes, and 45 minutes for offline.


网络游戏企业平台 online game enterprises and platforms

Chinese authorities on Wednesday summoned leading online game enterprises and platforms, including Tencent and NetEase, for talks. These authorities include the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, the National Press and Publication Administration (NPPA), the Office of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission, and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.


“Summon someone for a talk/meeting”就是“约谈某人”的意思,summon本身的意思就是“to order someone to come to or be present at a particular place, or to officially arrange a meeting of people”(命令某人到某个地方,或者安排正式会面)。作为行政执法措施,“约谈”也可以用regulatory talk表示,指承担经济社会有关领域监督管理职责的行政执法机关(supervisory and administrative organs),针对出现的问题,在事先约定的时间、地点与作为当事人的公民、法人或者其他组织进行沟通交流,以警示、告诫(warning or admonishment)等方式,督促其遵纪守法(urge law-abidingness),引导当事人采取自愿的作为或者不作为,尽量避免违法问题发生或者扩大,维护公共利益(safeguard public interest)。

除此之外,summon还可以表示“(法庭)传唤”,比如,He was summoned to court for traffic violation./He received a court summon for traffic violation.Summon还可以表示“鼓起(勇气)、振作(精神)”的意思,常用的搭配是summon the courage to do something(鼓起勇气做某事),比如:It took him three months to summon the courage to tell her that he likes her.(他用了三个月才鼓起勇气向她表白。)


They were required to fully and faithfully impose the time limit on underage gamers and banned from providing online game account trading services for minors.

The authorities ordered the enterprises and platforms to tighten examination of the contents of their games. Obscene and violent content and those breeding unhealthy tendencies, such as money-worship and effeminacy, should be removed.

The platforms must also resist unfair competition to prevent excessive market concentration or even monopolies in the industry.

They were urged to break from the solitary focus of pursuing profit or viewership and other erroneous tendencies, and change game rules and designs inducing addictions.

Restrictions were required on game advertisements involving celebrity endorsement.

The platforms were asked to place stricter management on the services of livestreaming games, including banning large rewards and rewards from minors.


在关于“打赏”的英文报道中,我们经常看到的表述是tip和reward。Tip的用法很多,之所以会被用来表示“打赏”,是因为tip用作动词和名词的时候,有一个意思是“(pay) a small amount of money to someone who has provided you with a service, in addition to the official payment and for their personal use”(在正常支付账单之外,给为你提供服务的人员支付的一小笔额外费用,供其个人使用),即“(付)小费”,比如:He gave the porter a tip/He tipped the porter(他给行李员付了小费)。而reward通常指“something (as money) given or offered in return for a service, good behavior, excellent work, etc.”(对接受的服务、良好的表现或者出色的工作等行为做出的奖赏、回报),也可以直接用作动词来表示“奖赏(某人)”,比如:The company rewarded him for his years of service with a grand farewell party and several presents(公司用一个盛大的派对和很多礼物回馈他多年的工作付出);Salespeople who are willing to work longer hours will receive significant rewards(主动加班的销售员会拿到丰厚的回报)。


中央宣传部、国家新闻出版署将会同有关部门和地方加大督查力度,开展专项检查,严肃处理违规行为;近期将上线防止未成年人沉迷网络游戏举报平台(a tipping platform will be launched to prevent online game addiction among minors),及时受理和处置问题线索,对落实不到位的企业,发现一起严处一起,确保防沉迷工作落到实处、取得实效。


杭州亚运会火炬形象 torch for the Hangzhou 2022 Asian Games

The torch for the Hangzhou 2022 Asian Games was named "Eternal Flame" and its design was inspired by the Liangzhu Culture, which was a testament to the 5000-year-old Chinese civilization.



2019年7月,“良渚古城遗址”(Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu City)成功列入《世界遗产名录》。以良渚古城为核心的良渚遗址是良渚文明的中心,遗存类型丰富,遗址格局完整,揭示了中华文明国家起源的基本特征,为中华五千多年文明史提供了最完整、最重要的考古学物证(the most concrete testimony of 5,000 years of Chinese civilization)。

The torch was shaped in a way that "grows" from bottom to top, with an overall height of 730 millimeters and a net weight of 1,200 grams.

"Eternal Flame" means that the Chinese civilization was passed on from generation to generation. The torch was characterized by Jade Cong and threaded upon with Chinese heritage, natural sceneries and local customs. The design was intended to shine a more brilliant light on this sacred land of Chinese civilization.


The base of the torch was embossed with eight water veins symbolizing the evolution of civilization and representing the eight major river systems in Zhejiang.




The torch body was designed based on the evolution from dermatoglyphic fingerprint patterns specific to the Liangzhu Culture, which were naturally intertwined and exquisite.

The torch head was characterized by the meaning of Jade Cong, one of the ritual jades, showing a harmonious square-round integration, and the burner nozzle was designed from the earliest oracle bone inscription of Jade Cong with the implied meaning of "light traveling in cycle inside".

The raw materials of the torch were digitally mapped to the blockchain, and the traceability mechanism was used to ensure authenticity. The grip of the torch was made of recycled raw materials, which was eco-friendly, light and easy to hold, and the fuel was heated with biomass gas, which was safe, clean and reliable.


制造业增加值 added industrial value of the manufacturing sector


The country's manufacturing sector has topped the world for 11 consecutive years since 2010, Xiao said, hailing that the country's position as a manufacturing country has further strengthened.

The added industrial value of the Chinese manufacturing sector grew from 16.98 trillion yuan in 2012 to 26.6 trillion yuan in 2020. The figure gives Chinese manufacturers a 30-percent-share of the global total-added industrial value.

China also boasts the world's most comprehensive industrial system with 41 major industrial categories. More than 40 percent of the outputs of Chinese-manufactured products rank the top of the world among 500 major industrial goods.




China would speed up its new industrialization and informatization process. The country would develop into a "manufacturing powerhouse" and "network powerhouse" through five-year efforts.


Notable breakthroughs would happen in the key sectors focusing on new-generation information technology, new energy, and high-end equipment.These sectors are closely related to the core industry competitiveness.

In traditional industries such as engineering, building materials, and chemical sectors, efforts would promote technology levels and build the industrial chain more solidly.


The number of 5G terminal connections in China now stands at above 400 million, ranking first worldwide. Its 5G base stations make up over 70 percent of the global total.

Looking to the future, key technology breakthroughs in sectors such as high-end chips and basic software, and planning of front-tier technology such as quantum information and advanced computing, would strengthen.

Meanwhile, the construction of new forms of digital infrastructure and the cultivation of emerging industries such as artificial intelligence, big data, and cloud computing would move faster, said the minister.


国家助学贷款 national student loans


Undergraduate students can apply for a maximum of 12,000 yuan in loans per person each year starting from this fall semester, according to the notice. Postgraduate students can apply for up to 16,000 yuan each year, up from 12,000 yuan, the notice said.


目前,国家已经建立了覆盖各教育阶段、各级各类学校、所有家庭经济困难学生的资助政策体系(a financial assistance system covering all students from disadvantaged backgrounds at all levels of education)。在高等教育阶段,国家奖学金(national scholarship)、国家励志奖学金(national endeavor scholarship)、国家助学金(national grant)、国家助学贷款(national student loans)、新生入学资助(tuition assistance for freshmen)、勤工助学(part-time jobs for students)、学费减免(tuition reduction or exemption)、补偿代偿、“绿色通道”等多种资助方式并举,确保高校家庭经济困难学生顺利入学并完成学业。


国家助学贷款(national student loans)为信用贷款(credit loans),不需要抵押(mortgage)或担保(guarantee),大学生可自主选择贷款地点,既能在家门口办理生源地助学贷款,也可以到学校报到的时候办理校园地助学贷款。在校期间,学生的贷款利息全部由财政补贴(interest of student loans will be covered by subsidies during their school years)。

Students do not need to pay the principal or interest while they are still in college and can apply for a five-year grace period after graduation, during which they only pay the interest.



政策规定的国家助学贷款额度是指每个学生每年最多可以贷到的钱(the maximum amount of student loans),是一个限额,不是固定的数额。

Within this limit, loan applicants can decide their borrowing amount based on the amount of money they need for tuition and accomodation, and financial situation of their family.


Different forms of financial aid to college students totaled 124.4 billion yuan last year, benefiting 36.78 million students.


南向通 Southbound trading


Southbound trading under the Bond Connect program between the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong will be launched on Sept 24.


“债券通”(Bond Connect)是指境内外投资者通过香港与内地债券市场基础设施机构连接,买卖两个市场交易流通债券的机制安排。

2017年7月,中国人民银行会同香港金融管理局,与各方共同努力推出了“北向通”。“北向通”(northbound trading),即香港及其他国家与地区的境外投资者经由香港与内地基础设施机构之间在交易、托管、结算等方面互联互通的机制安排,投资于内地银行间债券市场(allowing Hong Kong and other overseas investors to invest in the China Interbank Bond Market through mutual access between the financial infrastructure institutions in Hong Kong and the mainland with regard to trading, custody, and settlement)。

即将开通的“南向通”(southbound trading),即境内投资者经由两地基础设施机构之间的互联互通机制安排,投资于香港债券市场(allowing mainland investors to invest in Hong Kong's bond market through mutual access between the financial infrastructure institutions of the two places)。

不久,符合中国人民银行要求的境内投资者就可以通过“南向通”,投资在境外发行、并在香港市场交易流通的债券(bonds issued offshore and tradable in the Hong Kong bond market)。

In the initial stage of the program, eligible investors will include a selected number of primary dealers for open market operations in the mainland as approved by the central bank, qualified domestic institutional investors and RMB qualified domestic institutional investors.

Investors will be subject to an annual quota of 500 billion yuan and a daily quota of 20 billion yuan.


神舟十二号载人飞船 Shenzhou XII mission



The reentry capsule of the Shenzhou XII mission, with mission commander Major General Nie Haisheng, Major General Liu Boming and Senior Colonel Tang Hongbo inside, touched down at 1:34 pm at the Dongfeng Landing Site in the Badain Jaran Desert.


The Shenzhou XII spacecraft departed China's Tiangong space station on Thursday morning, carrying three Chinese astronauts on a journey back to Earth, the China Manned Space Agency said. It said in a brief statement that the spacecraft left the station's Tianhe core module at 8:56 am.


2021年6月17日9时22分,搭载神舟十二号载人飞船(the Shenzhou XII spacecraft)的长征二号F遥十二运载火箭,在酒泉卫星发射中心点火发射。三名航天员乘坐神舟十二号载人飞船到达我国空间站核心舱(core module of China's space station)。神舟十二号载人飞船是我国第七次载人飞船任务(the seventh manned spaceflight)。

在英文报道中,无人航空飞行器、卫星、火箭等(unmanned space vessels, satellites, rockets)的编号一般用阿拉伯数字,而载人飞行器(manned spacecraft)的编号一般用罗马数字,比如,“嫦娥五号”的英文是Chang'e-5,而我国首个载人飞船“神舟五号”的英文是Shenzhou V。


Before their departure, the astronauts-mission commander Major General Nie Haisheng, Major General Liu Boming and Senior Colonel Tang Hongbo-configured the space station, transmitted some experimental data back to ground control and arranged materials inside the station, with assistance from ground support professionals.

The Shenzhou XII spaceship completed circumnavigation and radial rendezvous tests at 1:38 pm (Beijing Time) Thursday. The tests successfully verified the radial rendezvous technology, laying an important technical foundation for the following manned missions.


径向交会对接(radial rendezvous and docking)指载人飞船以垂直的方式,从下面和空间站组合体进行交会对接。神舟十三号就要以这种方式与空间站组合体进行交会对接,这项技术的难度非常大,到目前为止没有在太空当中验证过,所以神舟十二号在回家之前要对这项技术进行验证。

By Thursday morning, the crew had been in space for 90 days, almost two times longer than the Shenzhou XI mission, which saw Jing Haipeng and Chen Dong spend 33 days in orbit.


“一起向未来”!“Together for a Shared Future”!



“Together for a Shared Future”!




“一起(Together)”展现了人类在面对困境时的坚强姿态,指明了战胜困难、开创未来的成功之道。“向未来(for a Shared Future)”表达了人类对美好明天的憧憬,传递了信心和希望;

“一起向未来(Together for a Shared Future)”是态度、是倡议、更是行动方案,倡导追求团结、和平、进步、包容的共同目标,是更快、更高、更强、更团结奥林匹克精神的中国宣扬,表达了世界需要携手走向美好未来的共同愿望。


北京证券交易所 Beijing Stock Exchange


Individual investors eligible for the new stock exchange in Beijing should have at least two years of experience in securities investment. Their average daily securities assets should be no less than 500,000 yuan in the 20 trading days before they are allowed to trade on the bourse, according to the regulation.


这里的bourse其实就是stock exchange(证券交易所)的意思,只不过这个词在欧洲大陆(英国除外)更常用,比如:Euronext is an alliance between the Paris, Brussels, and Amsterdam bourses.(泛欧交易所是巴黎、布鲁塞尔和阿姆斯特丹交易所合并设立的。)

Along with the regulation, the Beijing Stock Exchange (BSE) has started guiding securities companies to improve related systems and procedures, and preparing investors for account opening, in a bid to deepen the reform of the New Third Board and ensure a sound opening of the bourse.

Qualified investors can now make an appointment with brokerages to apply for BSE trading access.


近期,我国决定深化新三板改革(deepen the reform of the New Third Board),设立北京证券交易所(Beijing Stock Exchange),打造服务创新型中小企业主阵地(the primary platform serving innovation-oriented SMEs)。

新三板(the New Third Board),即“全国中小企业股份转让系统”(the National Equities Exchange and Quotations,NEEQ),是经国务院批准,依据证券法设立的继上交所、深交所之后第三家全国性证券交易场所,也是我国第一家公司制运营的证券交易场所。其市场定位是主要为创新型、创业型、成长型中小企业发展服务。

具有新三板创新层和基础层交易权限的投资者(investors with trading access to innovation layer and basic layer of the New Third Board),其交易权限范围将包含北京证券交易所股票。


2021年全球创新指数 Global Innovation Index (GII) 2021


World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)'s "Global Innovation Index (GII) 2021" shows that China has made continuous progress from ranking 14th last year to 12th this year and is now "knocking at the door of the GII top 10," which "underlines the continued importance of governmental policies and incentives to stimulate innovation."


全球创新指数(Global Innovation Index)由世界知识产权组织(WIPO)自2007年开始发布,已经成为国际上关于创新和知识产权水平的权威报告。报告通过政策环境(institutions)、人力资本与研究(human capital and research)、基础设施(infrastructure)、市场成熟度(market sophistication)、商业成熟度(business sophistication)、知识与技术产出(knowledge and technology outputs)、创意产出(creative outputs)等七大类81项指标,对全球132个经济体的综合创新能力进行系统衡量。

Since 2013, China has moved up the GII ranks consistently and steadily, being the only middle-income economy in the list and establishing itself as a global innovation leader.


The number of China's patents by origin, scaled by gross domestic product (GDP), is higher than those of Japan, Germany and the United States, and is even more impressive when considered in absolute terms. The same is true for the number of trademarks and industrial designs by origin as a percentage of GDP.

In terms of innovation clusters geographically, the top 10 list remains the same as last year with only minor shifts. Shenzhen-Hong Kong-Guangzhou and Beijing now rank second and third, respectively, after the Tokyo-Yokohama cluster in Japan. Shanghai ranks eighth. Of the top 100 clusters, China has 19.

As in past years, Switzerland, Sweden, the United States and the United Kingdom continue to lead the innovation ranking. Other countries in the GII top 10 include South Korea, the Netherlands, Finland, Singapore, Denmark and Germany.


中国农民丰收节 Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival



A series of events ranging from art performances and farmers' sports meetings to calligraphy and painting exhibitions are being held across the country to mark the fourth Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival on Thursday.


经党中央批准、国务院批复,自2018年起我国将每年农历秋分设立为“中国农民丰收节”(Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival),这是第一个专为农民设立的节日。


为何将“中国农民丰收节”设立在秋分(autumn equinox)?

从节气上看,春种秋收,春华秋实,秋分时节硕果累累,最能体现丰收(it's the best time to celebrate the harvest)。

从区域上看,我国地域辽阔、物产丰富,各地收获的时节有所不同,但多数地方都在秋季(Although climates and crops differ in various parts of China, most crops mature in autumn),秋收作物是大头。

从民俗上看,我们国家有十几个少数民族有庆祝丰收的传统节日(ethnic groups in China have their own festivals at harvest time),大多都在下半年。在国家层面设立一个各民族共同参与、共庆丰收的节日,有利于促进中华民族大家庭的和睦团结和发展(to enhance harmony and development of the Chinese nation)。


The city government said its celebrations include a livestreaming session aimed at promoting local farm produce and an exhibition of fertilizers, high-yield seeds and other agricultural materials.


The festivities were combined with local traditions of the ethnic Daur people-such as dancing around bonfires-in a bid to boost local tourism.


Figures from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs showed the autumn grain growing area is about 86 million hectares this year and is bracing for a bumper harvest.

To ensure a bumper harvest, the central government allocated 20 billion yuan in subsidies to farmers amid a hike in the prices of seeds and fertilizers in spring.

Central and local authorities also spent 3 billion yuan on the control of wheat pests and diseases to secure grain production and managed to cap the damage rate below 5 percent.


Cap这个词大家都认识,本意是“帽子”,尤指那种带帽舌的帽子,比如baseball cap(棒球帽)。在这里,cap作为动词使用,表示“对...进行限制”,相当于set a limit on/put a ceiling/impose a cap on,比如,Their salary was capped at 10,000 yuan per month./The management team put a salary cap of 10,000 yuan on them.(他们的月薪不能超过1万元。)而且这里的限制一般都指“上限”,因为ceiling和cap都在我们的头顶,在某件事上加了个天花板或者帽子,其实就是相当于“给某事设了一个上限”。


In recent years, central authorities have also been ramping up construction of "high-standard farmland" for large mechanical farming.

Such grain growing areas had reached 53.3 million hectares as of last year and will surpass 80 million hectares by 2030. They will increase yields by 10 to 20 percent and cut costs by 7,500 yuan a hectare.


新冠疫苗加强针 booster doses of COVID-19 vaccine


Guangdong, Zhejiang and Henan provinces will start administering booster doses of vaccine to residents this month to strengthen their immunity to COVID-19 as sporadic outbreaks are reported in some parts of China. Those targeted for a third dose are people aged 18 to 59 who received two doses of inactivated coronavirus vaccine at least six months ago, authorities said.


所谓疫苗加强针(booster shot/booster dose),是指在完成疫苗接种后,根据抗体消退的情况进行补充接种,保持人体对病毒免疫力的疫苗剂次。这里的核心词booster,来源于动词boost,主要表示“加强、促进、推动”等意思,比如boost production(促生产),boost morale(提振士气)等,在这里表示“increase or renew the effect of the vaccine”,即“增强疫苗产生的效果”。



The city health commission in Shanwei, Guangdong province, said on Thursday that priority for the booster shot will be given to front-line personnel at medical institutions and workers in government departments, law enforcement, public services, customs, border ports, harbors, the cold-chain industry and those who want to study or work abroad.


Research has shown that a person's antibody level will be increased more than tenfold if a third dose of vaccine is given more than six months after the second, and that immunity will be maintained at a relatively high level for another six months.
研究发现,接种疫苗第二剂后6个月再接种一剂,抗体水平增幅达到十多倍。 接种后,再过6个月还能维持在比较高的水平。

孟晚舟 Meng Wanzhou

9月25日晚,在党和人民亲切关怀和坚定支持下,孟晚舟在结束被加拿大方面近3年的非法拘押后,乘坐中国政府包机(a charter flight organized by the Chinese government)抵达深圳宝安国际机场,顺利回到祖国。



There were no handshakes due to epidemic prevention concerns. Meng made a brief speech at the airport.

"After more than 1,000 days of torment, I am finally back in the embrace of the motherland," Meng said.

"I am back, motherland!" she chanted to the cheering crowd.

"As an ordinary Chinese citizen who had suffered this plight and been stranded overseas for nearly three years, there was never a moment when I did not feel the care and warmth of the Party, the motherland and the people," she said.

"President Xi Jinping cares about the safety of each and every Chinese citizen, including me. I am deeply moved by this," Meng said. "I also thank the relevant departments for their support and help. They have resolutely safeguarded the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises and citizens."

"The motherland provides us the strongest backing," Meng said. "As an ordinary Chinese person, I am proud of my motherland."



2021中国企业500强 top 500 Chinese enterprises for 2021


State Grid Corporation of China topped the list of top 500 Chinese enterprises for 2021, followed by the China National Petroleum Corporation and the China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation.


The number of companies whose revenues exceeded 100 billion yuan rose to 222, with eight of them reporting revenues of over 1 trillion yuan.

The revenue threshold of the top 500 Chinese enterprises increased by 3.28 billion yuan from a year ago to 39.24 billion yuan, the data showed.


Threshold本意指“门槛”,后来引申为“起点、开端、临界点”等意思,比如: a high threshold for pain(痛点很高),the threshold of a new age(新时代的开端),individual income tax threshold(个税起征点)等。


Combined operating revenues of the top 500 companies reached 89.83 trillion yuan in 2020, up 4.43 percent compared to that in the previous year, according to the list.

The firms raked in 4.07 trillion yuan in total profits, up 4.59 percent compared to that of the companies on the 2020 list.


Rake本意指“耙子,耙状工具”等可以用来把地面上的树叶等轻轻拢到一起的工具,用作动词的时候就表示“拢到一起”这个动作,比如:rake leaves into a pile(把叶子拢成一堆)。Rake in是一个常用的固定搭配,表示make a lot of money,除了上文中出现的rake in+金额以外,也可以说rake in a fortune(暴富)。


The average R&D spending of the top 500 firms came in at 2.94 billion yuan, up 17.95 percent. The ratio of their R&D expenditure to operating revenues hit a new high of 1.77 percent.




Huawei, JD.com and Hengli Group are the top three enterprises on the list of China's top 500 private firms for 2021. The annual revenue of each of the top five private enterprises on the list exceeded 600 billion yuan.


In 2020, the total revenue of the top 500 private enterprises was 35.12 trillion yuan, up 16.39 percent from a year ago. They paid a total tax of 1.36 trillion yuan, accounting for 8.84 percent of the national total.

The total number of employees of the top 500 private enterprises came in at 11.09 million, up 6.26 percent, accounting for 1.48 percent of the total number of employed people in China.


拉闸限电 power rationing


Measures to reduce electricity use in factories are currently being enforced in 10 provincial-level regions, including the economic powerhouses of Jiangsu, Guangdong and Zhejiang provinces.


Many companies and factories in Guangdong province have been required to operate on a staggered schedule in which production lines are allowed to run for two to three days a week. Household power use is not included.


The province's strong economic rebound in the recent months, price increases for coal and natural gas and soaring temperatures in the warm southern region that trigger spikes in air-conditioner use contributed to the power shortage.

Power demand in Guangdong would continue to grow in the coming months, as September and October are typically the peak periods for industrial production. Factories usually attract many orders before the Christmas and New Year holidays.


Electricity supply problems have also resulted in blackouts for some household users in Northeast China.


这里的blackout指由于电力供应中断而导致的一片漆黑,因此常用来表示“停电,断电”,而“停电”更加正式的表达是power outage(英式英语多用power cut),比如:She keeps flashlights and candles handy in case of a blackout.(她手边准备了手电筒和蜡烛,以防停电),Storms caused power outages in hundreds of homes last night(昨晚暴风雨导致数百家庭断电)。此外,blackout还经常用来表示因为疾病或喝醉酒出现“ a transient dulling or loss of vision, consciousness, or memory”(暂时失去意识或记忆),即“断片、昏厥”,比如:He had a alcoholic blackout after the party.(派对之后他喝断片了)。

Power rationing began in northeast China's Jilin, Heilongjiang and Liaoning last Thursday, and residential and urban traffic control use has also been affected.


这里的power rationing就是指“拉闸限电”,是指煤电资源供应紧张的情况下限量供电。Ration这个词可以用作动词或名词,表示“限量、定量(供应)”,比如:petrol was rationed to five gallons a week(汽油每周限量5加仑);during the war, no one was allowed more than their ration of food, clothing and fuel(战争期间,所有人的食物、衣服及燃料都定额分配)。


Northeast China, where wind power is widely employed, has seen output slump recently due to unfavorable weather conditions.

Meanwhile, coal supply is reserved for winter heating, resulting in short supply for power plants.




The State Grid Corporation of China said it will "go all out to fight the battle of guaranteeing power supply".


The State Grid will strengthen the distribution of power from its entire network, reasonably arrange the network operation, and ensure that all available power generators from power companies are connected to the grid.

The company said it would coordinate and dispatch resources by tapping the power transmission potential of cross-provincial power networks.

The company will strengthen the monitoring of electricity consumption and ensure power supply for residential users.

The State Grid also vowed to strictly implement the power supply and consumption plans formulated by the government, strive to maintain stability in power supply and consumption.

It will improve emergency response plans, said the company.


第十三届中国航展 the 13th China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition



The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Air Force has unveiled an array of new aircraft at the 13th China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition, or Airshow China 2021.


中国航展(Airshow China)是由国务院批准举办的、带飞行表演(flying display)和装备动态演示的国际性专业航空航天展览(international aviation & aerospace exhibition),每两年举办一届。自1996年举办首届以来,规模不断扩大,参展装备水平逐年提高,已经成为亚太地区乃至全世界规模和影响力位居前列的主要航展。本届航展将有线上线下约40个国家和地区的700家企业、数千件展品参展。


Aircraft put on show included two J-20 stealth fighter jets, China's new electronic warfare aircraft J-16D, and a new high-altitude reconnaissance drone, WZ-7.


单词reconnaissance的读音是[rɪˈkɑnɪsns],表示“(对某地区的)侦察或观测(尤指为军事目的)”,比如,unmanned air vehicle for intelligence reconnaissance(情报侦察无人机), reconnaissance aircraft(侦察机)等。空中装备体系的其他飞机机型还包括:战斗机 fighter jet;轰炸机 bomber;预警机 early warning aircraft;武装直升机 armed helicopter等。


The Y-20 heavy transport aircraft and some other major battle equipment were also displayed at the show.

China's Red Eagle Aerobatic Team and Bayi (August 1st) Aerobatic Team performed a series of stunts at the Airshow China 2021 on Tuesday.


The PLA Air Force is working in line with the strategic requirements of integrating air and space capabilities as well as coordinating offensive and defensive operations. Its goal is to advance toward building itself into a world-class strategic air force.


北京2022年冬奥会和冬残奥会疫情防控关键政策 Beijing 2022 key COVID-19 countermeasures



All athletes and games participants who are fully vaccinated will enter a closed-loop management system upon arrival. Games participants who are not fully vaccinated will have to serve a 21-day quarantine upon arrival in Beijing.

All vaccines recognized by World Health Organization or related international organizations, or approved officially by countries or regions concerned will be accepted. Athletes who can provide a justified medical exemption will have their cases considered.


The closed-loop management system, to be implemented from January 23, 2022 until the end of the Paralympics on March 13, will cover all games-related areas, including arrival and departure, transport, accommodation, catering, competitions, and the opening and closing ceremonies. Within the closed-loop, participants will be allowed to move only between games-related venues for training, competitions and work. A dedicated games transport system will be put in place.


Beijing 2022 organizers made it clear that tickets will be sold exclusively to spectators residing in Chinese mainland who meet the requirements of COVID-19 countermeasures.


All domestic and international Games participants and workforce in the closed-loop management system will be subject to daily testing.




(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)

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