

欧易交易所每日新闻播报(September 10)

时间:2024-08-18 11:27来源: 作者:admin 点击: 33 次
A medical worker administers a dose of the COVID-19 vaccine to a boy at a vaccination site in Xuhui district of Shanghai, East China, Sept 3, 2021. [P

A medical worker administers a dose of the COVID-19 vaccine to a boy at a vaccination site in Xuhui district of Shanghai, East China, Sept 3, 2021. [Photo/Xinhua]


>Over 2.11b doses of vaccines administered

The National Health Commission said on Tuesday that more than 2.11 billion doses of COVID-19 vaccines have been administered in China, and about 970 million people nationwide have finished the vaccination process as of Monday.

Nearly 162.3 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines had been administered among minors aged 12 to 17.

Individuals are encouraged to receive COVID-19 vaccines on the premise of voluntary informed consent, and irregular practices such as banning unvaccinated people from public places should be corrected, said Wu Liangyou, deputy head of NHC's disease control and prevention division.

Zheng Zhongwei, a National Health Commission official who heads China's COVID-19 vaccine development task force, said that although domestic vaccines have demonstrated efficacy against new virus strains, a series of research projects aimed at developing vaccines targeting virus mutations has been rolled out as a precautionary measure.


A farmer picks tea leaves at a tea garden in Baisha Li autonomous county in South China's Hainan province, Feb 7, 2021. [Photo/Xinhua]


>5-year plan for agricultural green development

The Chinese government on Wednesday unveiled a plan for the green development of the country's agricultural sector over the next five years. The plan, jointly issued by six departments including the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, identified resource protection, pollution control, restoration of agricultural ecology, and the development of a low-carbon agricultural industrial chain, as key tasks for the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025).

The plan set quantitative objectives for the agriculture sector to be achieved by 2025, which include attaining an overall pass rate of over 98% in routine quality and safety tests of agricultural products.


A gaming fan takes part in an online King of Glory playing competition. [Photo provided to China Daily]


>Authorities summon online game companies

Chinese authorities on Wednesday summoned leading online game enterprises and platforms, including Tencent and NetEase, for talks. These authorities include the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, the National Press and Publication Administration (NPPA), the Office of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission, and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

The companies and platforms were required to fully and faithfully impose the time limit on underage gamers, and banned from providing online game account trading services for minors.

They were urged to break from the solitary focus of pursuing profit or viewership and other erroneous tendencies, and change game rules and designs that lead to addictions.

The platforms were asked to place stricter management on the services of livestreaming games, including banning large rewards and rewards for minors.




>Women 'marry' trees in Bristol

At least 70 women have "married" dozens of trees in a ceremony aimed at highlighting building plans that could see the trees' removal from the site.

Organizers said they were worried about the threat posed by proposals to build 166 apartments on land in Bristol, and they hoped the "marriage" ceremony showed that "trees are our partners for life".

The "brides" who took part wore wedding dresses from different cultures while symbolically marrying 74 trees in a ceremony carried out by a celebrant.

Campaigner and "bride" Suzan Hackett said: "To get married to a tree is an absolute privilege. It's not just a sentimental gesture, it is highly significant and symbolic. Trees are pure examples of unconditional love, which fits in so beautifully with the whole idea of marriage. Bristol needs mature trees more than it does luxury private housing."


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